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All about Managing the Help Center With Template?

Understand the table structure and how to add categories & associated Articles

Published on October 24, 2023
Table of content
Template Home Page
Category Table
Articles Table
The default Help Center Template was carefully curated to make creation as simple as possible, while still performing powerful functionalities.
We aim to replicate a CMS with our humble 2-table Notion structure.
Click this link of the default Help Center Template to see the template and duplicate it to make it your own

Template Home Page

The Starting page has links to the two tables
  • Category
  • Articles
    • notion image

Category Table

In the Help Center, you have main categories that are shown on the Help Center Home page.
Inside the main category, you'll find articles and sub-categories.
The category table lets you establish this structure. It has a List view that supports sub-categories.
Go through these Articles for a deeper understanding
How many levels of categories can we have?
How to Add a new Category or Sub-Category?
How to change the Parent Category of a Sub-category?
How to Order Categories & Sub Categories?
How to Add an Icon ♛ for a Category?

Articles Table

Articles live within a category. It can be a Main Category or a sub-category. If any article doesn’t have a category it is automatically put into an uncategorized category!
The Articles table has the List view that is grouped by Category.
Go through these Articles for a deeper understanding
How to add a new Article
How to change an Article’s status to Publish from Draft?
How to make Articles also be shown in Featured Section
How to Internal Link Articles
How to Order Articles?
How to change an article’s Category?
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