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How to Add a new Category or Sub-Category?

Learn how to Add a new Category or Sub-Category

Published on October 24, 2023
Table of content
Add Main Category
Add Sub-Category
Creating a logical Category structure should be the starting point of a great help center.
Creating a logical Category structure should be the starting point of a great help center.
Adding a new category is simple. Go to the category page in the Notion template.

Add Main Category

Click the New Button to add a Main Category
notion image
Give it a name, description & icon.
notion image

Add Sub-Category

Click the +New sub-item under the category you wish to create a sub-category
notion image
Give it a name, description.
notion image
NOTE: Go to the Dashboard and Regenerate All  to Sync the changes with your Help Center
NOTE: Go to the Dashboard and Regenerate All to Sync the changes with your Help Center
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