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How to make Articles also be shown in Featured Section

Help Center has a Featured Section on home page and you can put any Articles in this section

Published on October 24, 2023
Table of content
Access Your Notion Workspace
Navigate to the Desired Article
Toggle the Featured Status
Featuring articles is a fantastic way to highlight crucial or recent content to your readers.
This article will guide you through the steps to make your articles shine in the Featured Section.

Access Your Notion Workspace

Initially, log in to your Notion account and steer your way to the Help Center template where your articles are organized.

Navigate to the Desired Article

Locate and click on the article you wish to feature from the list of articles available. This will open the article page, giving you access to more options.

Toggle the Featured Status

On the article page, look for a checkbox labeled is_featured. Click on this checkbox to toggle the featured status of the article. A check mark indicates that the article is now set to be featured.
notion image
NOTE: Go to the Dashboard and Regenerate All  to Sync the changes with your Help Center
NOTE: Go to the Dashboard and Regenerate All to Sync the changes with your Help Center
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