How can we help?

How many levels of categories can we have?

There is support for 2 levels of categories. There can be multiple Main Categories and Multiple Sub Categories within one Main Category.

Table of content
There is support for 2 levels of categories.
Main Categories on Help Center
Sub-Categories in Help Center
See step-by-step how to manage categories

There is support for 2 levels of categories.

There can be multiple Main Categories and Multiple Sub Categories within one Main Category.

Main Categories on Help Center

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In the Help Center Home Page, the Main Categories are shown along with the icons & descriptions.
Also, all Articles without category are shown as Uncategorized

Sub-Categories in Help Center

Sub-categories are visible once the user clicks on its parent category. The articles in the sub-category will be listed with it.
notion image

See step-by-step how to manage categories

How to Add a new Category or Sub-Category?
How to change the Parent Category of a Sub-category?
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