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How to trigger a Help Article from Javascript

See how to use the Widget Javascript API

Published on October 24, 2023
Table of content
Show widget
Show an Article
Show a Step in the Article
In this guide, you'll learn how to control and interact with the widget on your website using JavaScript. The widget provides a seamless way to integrate additional content and features into your web page. By leveraging the widget's API, you can programmatically show, hide, and navigate through articles and steps within the articles. Below are the steps on how to use the four key API functions provided.

Show widget

To display the widget on your page, you will use the method. This function requires no arguments and will make the widget visible to the users.

Show an Article

In some cases, you might want to direct the user to a specific article within the widget. You can achieve this by using the synced_so.showTopic() method. This method requires a single argument: the URL of the topic you want to display.
Replace 'topicUrl' with the actual URL of the topic you want to display. eg- When this method is called, the widget will navigate to the specified article.

Show a Step in the Article

To further guide the user, you might want to direct them to a specific step within an article. This can be done using another function, the details of which will be provided below:
You can get this link by clicking on the šŸ”—Ā icon on the Articleā€™s heading
notion image
The url will be something like this
If at any point you want to hide the widget from the view, you can use the synced_so.hide() method. Similar to the show method, this function requires no arguments.
Calling this method will hide the widget from the user, but remember, the widget's state is retained, so when you show it again, it will be in the same state it was when it was hidden.
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